e-Mail: srisailam.jkc@gmail.com

Govt. Degree College, Srisailam

ACCREDITED with "B" Grade by NAAC

Affiliated with Rayalaseema University, Kurnool, AP, India.



The objectives of our college are

      • To meet the educational needs of down-trodden students of rural area. 
      • To develop necessary skills in the students to face the Competitive world and meet the global challenges.
      • Empowering rural people through self-sustaining processes
      • To encourage the students to acquire scientific temper and excellence. 
      • To uplift academic, social and economic status of students. 
      • To involve the students in national development programmes and community service for molding them into the responsible citizens.
      • To inculcate moral values and commitment to society among the students 
      • To train the students in computer skills, communication skills and soft skills. 
      • To encourage the faculty to take up innovative research projects. The college is making relentless efforts to realize the vision of the college i.e. “ to be the source of higher learning offering Quality education to down trodden people”-by the stake holders.

    Objectives of the college are made known to different stake holders by-    

      • Uploading them on the college website.
      • printing in the prospectus of the college
      • Arranging parents meetings periodically.
      • Arranging awareness programs in the nearby Schools and Colleges.
      • Requesting the educationists, industrialists and employers to spare their time to interact and motivate the students about how to develop essential life skills that are important to be successful in life